
The 5 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Refinancing Their Mortgage.

Real Estate

The 5 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Refinancing Their Mortgage.

Many people are taking advantage of the current low mortgage rates and are able to save quite a bit of money. However, for some, refinancing can cause complications as it might not be the right choice for the individuals’ specific situation. ⠀ ⠀ Here are 5 mistakes to avoid to ensure refinancing is right for […]

How to Financially Plan and Budget for Home Renovations

Real Estate

How to Financially Plan and Budget for Home Renovations

If you want to sell your house, or just want to give it an updated touch, renovations are necessary. Renovations update the house and give it a higher price in the market. It’s the perfect prep for selling a house. However, renovations cost a lot on their own. Here’s how you can financially plan and […]

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Lifelong Capital Corporation is mortgage brokerage (license #12917) and mortgage administrator (license #12977) licensed with the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario. Lifelong Developments Inc. is licensed as a registered building with the Home Construction Regulatory Authority (HCRA) with license # 62394

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